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Hey Boo!

Welcome to Life with Vicky D! 

Buckle up your seatbelt friends, you’re about to go on a ride! After years of honestly living in fear and not fulfilling my true potential, I am ready to take you on an adventure. Sharing my thoughts, putting them down on paper (well screen) and hoping that you’ll join me in this crazy thing called LIFE! 

Despite all of the hardships and obstacles that could have broken my spirit and drive for life, I discovered passions that were a welcome constant – food, fitness and frankly talking about those two things.

But, more importantly, I realized that I needed a foundation of faith to keep me grounded when life gets shaky. For it will indeed rock your world. 

Now I want you to join this the journey, help you discover your true greatness/passions and hopefully have some fun cooking, sweating and experiencing all that life has to offer.

You bout it or nah?

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A little bit about me

I am a Dallas native – yep born AND raised - which is a rare thing considering how many transplants now call Dallas home. I am a 30ish year old (melanin is magical) and married to my best friend. My friends and family are my heart, and Jesus is the ultimate homie. When I’m not sweating, eating, cooking or laughing, I spend my days developing integrated strategies as a marketer and brand strategist. I’m a storyteller by day and I find joy in helping brands discover their full potential. 

Here on Life with Vicky D: Endorphins will be released. Chicken will be fried. Salads will be tossed (get your mind out the gutter LOL). Weight(s) will be lifted. Butter will be whipped. Secrets will be shared. Life is hard enough, might as well navigate it with friends. 

Let’s cook together, sweat together and just do life TOGETHER! 


Looking for more?

Send me your email and I’ll send you my best stuff!