LIFE HACK: How to do hard things

What up Friends! Hope everyone had a great holiday and is continuing to stay safe! The cases here in Dallas seem to be decreasing to the point that the experts lowered the COVID threat levels to an orange instead of a bright red. Let’s hope and pray that folks don’t sabotage this progress with their own selfishness.


Hard to believe, but friends we are in a new month - We have made through the first week of September - give yourself a hand 👏🏾 for thriving during an incredibly emotionally exhausting year. The other day, I was reflecting on all the challenges and obstacles that I’ve seen the last 12 years that truly prepared me for 2020. I’ve felt trapped, depressed, been blindsided by sudden loss and pain, felt like odds just weren’t in my favor. Sounds familiar right? Throughout this entire pandemic, God has shown me exactly WHY I went through all of those things….and used my story to help others and honestly heal myself from pain that I didn’t even realize was still there. God is faithful, my friends. He is so faithful. 🙏🏾

Priscillia Shirer posted the following quote on IG / Twitter:

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I saw that and was instantly reminded of my journey and the fact that God never puts more on us than we can bear. I am stronger and better because of those experience. They molded me to the person I am today, and quite frankly built a resilience that allows me to take on more challenges that I used to think were impossible.

Want to know the hack to doing hard things - thinking less about failing and just doing them. There’s growth in the journey. There are lessons in the failures. I can indeed do hard things. Guess what friend, you can too!

As always, I love the parallels between most things in life and fitness / wellness. I think that’s why I love this journey. The fact that wellness isn’t just about building physical strength, but increasing your mental capacity as well.

Speaking of challenges, a new month means new goals! Let’s get into mine:

  1. First, I’m doing the Grit by Brit September challenge (10 LIVE Livestream classes and 5 on demand)! It’s only $49 for a virtual membership...killer workouts right in the living room or the balcony! Every fitness level is welcome!

  2. I’m pledging to walk / run 100 miles this month. So far (as of September 10), I’ve done 15 miles, so I’m a smidge behind on my average of 3 miles / day, but I know I can catch up. I’m doing this to increase my low-impact cardio a smidge. I already do a lot of HIIT / bootcamp kind of training, but this is good to just get the body moving.

  3. My sis Robyn gave me a friendly competition. She knows I have big goals and pushed me beyond my comfort zone. I had some technical difficulties with this one which delayed my start, but can keep it going.

Seem like a lot - nah. As Brit (the owner of Grit) says, I can do hard things…and you can too! Tell me your goals in comments below or shoot me a message if you wanna keep it private. I’d love to be your accountability buddy!




Southwestern Chipotle Chicken Salad