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Fitness with Vicky D
Chile, how much time do you really have? Let’s get one thing clear from the top. This is probably the most sensitive subject for me, well really for anyone. Which is why we’re going to talk about it. Fitness has become an outlet for me, a form of therapy, a spiritual experience if you will where I push myself outside my comfort zone to a space where gains and growth are found.
Cooking with Vicky D
Food is life and I haven’t met a problem that a taco couldn’t fix. Maybe that’s a little obsessive and slightly dramatic, but that pretty much sums up my love for food, flavors and culinary experiences. Since I can remember, food has always brought me joy.
Life with Vicky D
There’s food. There’s fitness, and well, there’s everything else. That dear friends is called LIFE. Sometimes it’s blissful. Sometimes it’s just gut wrenching. But either way, we’re going to not only survive, but THRIVE. This blog is actually a resurrection of a project that I started years and years ago - Vicky D’s Delights. Over time, what was supposed to an outlet to share her passions for food and healthy lifestyle quickly became an online diary of emotional vomit. Sorry for the visual, but that’s really what it was.